12 januari 2006

Waking up at 3 PM is normal, right?

Yeah, so I couldn't sleep last night. The LAG has set in. I was up late, back on the couch, catching up on the already-in-the-distant-past "ER" and "Sex in MY City." Finally, my head hits the pillow. For, like, three hours. I wake up, wide, as they say, at kl. 5.00 (klockan fem, as they would say HERE). So, what's a girl to do? I pick up my worn copy of IN COLD BLOOD and start to read myself to sleep.

Oddly, after some rather disturbing pages, it works. Now, the scare-me-to-death-middle-of-the-night newspaper delivery did not arrive today. Thankfully so. So, I was able to catch a few winks. OK, like, TEN MORE HOURS or so. I woke up at THREE O'CLOCK. Holy crap. I immediately get on the phone to my Swedish for Immigrants study center and tell Krister the whole story. He seemed chipper until I told him I had slept the day away and that I wouldn't be coming in for class. At least I was able to say it all in Swedish. THAT should have made him happy. He's not my teacher anyway.

By the time I left the house it was dark.

Midnight blue sky with a bright shining moon in it at 4:00. Took a nice long walk by the boats, replaced my cell phone (which hauled ass out of my pocket on Day One of my NYC trip), got some groceries and returned. I realized that if I didn't leave the house, I would have been inside it for 24 hours and that was just too much for me.

Hope you had a nice day today. It looked beautiful here, but I completely missed it. The days are so darn short. You oversleep a little and you got nothin'. Plunged back into the darkness.

Love ya,


Anonymous Anonym said...

You get extra pointage for being able to speak in Swedish on the phone and not in person.

13 januari, 2006 00:25  

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